Academic Lecture——The response of polar ionosphere to sudden changes of solar wind dynamic pressure

  • 发布时间:[2023-08-16] 来源:[学院] 点击量:[11333]

Time: 10:00 a.m Friday, August 18, 2023
Place:Lecture Hall, 5th Floor, School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University
Speaker:Kim Yachi

Kim Yachi is a researcher at the Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway. He graduated from the Department of Physics at the University of Oslo in 2016 with a major in space Physics, followed by a postdoctoral position at the University of Oslo, where he became a lifetime researcher in 2021. He is mainly engaged in the research of ionospheric scintillation and irregular bodies at high latitudes, and participates in the development of space weather forecasting models. The research involves the application of data from a variety of observation instruments, including GNSS scintillation receiver, all-sky air glow camera, European incoherent scattering radar, SuperDARN, magnetometer and low-orbit satellite data. So far, he has published more than 40 SCI papers in international authoritative journals, some of which have had an important impact in the field of polar ionosphere research. For example, the published papers have been awarded the cover picture and the highest download paper award of JGR magazine. In addition, he has served as a reviewer for journals including GRL, JGR-Space Physics, Radio Science, and Space Weather, as well as a program reviewer for the US National Science Foundation, and as one of the main tutors for the Arctic Space Training (ASTRA) summer and Winter schools. He has chaired (co-chaired) many ESA space weather projects, such as FORSWAR, Swarm-VIP, ISPA, etc. He has been the co-convenor of AGU, EGU, IUGG, European Space Weather Week and other international conferences on magnetospheric and Ionospheric thermospheric coupling and Ionospheric irregularities, and has given invited presentations at AGU and AOGS for many times.

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