External Exchange

  • 发布时间:[2015-12-18] 来源:[学院] 点击量:[32275]
      School of Electronic Information shares extensive and long-standing tradition of international exchange. As early as 1980, A.R. Piggot, the renowned U.K. predecessor of ionospheric research, visited the Institute of Electronic Information of the former Wuhan University. For a long time, the school has maintained a good relationship of cooperation and communications with both domestic and foreign first-class universities, research institutes and enterprises. Over the recent years, about 60 faculty members of our school went overseas for collaborative researches and academic exchanges in United States, Germany, France, Japan, Australia, and many other countries, in parallel with scientific visits of our school from over 60 domestic and international experts and scholars. Our school also hosted more than 20 international and domestic academic conferences. So far, the school has established solid joint programs of talents training with over 20 well-known international universities including Stuttgart University in Germany, Miami University in U.S., Télécom ParisTech in France, and Nan Yang Technological University in Singapore, etc.
The dean of Norway science college,Troms ø university ,professor  Tore Vorren visited our school and signed cooperation agreement with us.
 The award ceremony of the French education palm medal and officer order badge 
Our school hosted the Sub-Forum of Information Technology for the International Interdisciplinary Forum
 We host the First International Intelligent Network and Function System Meeting
Deputy chief designer of Russia Remote Radio Communication Research Institute came to visit
Professor Havnes of Norway Tromsø University came to visit

 Prof. Danny Summers, Canadian Royal academician of Science gave a lecture in our school

Prof. Henri Maître, the vice president of Paris telecommunication college gave lecture in our school
Attending the Second Asia-Pacific Marine Radar Conference
The teaching delegation of our school visited the university of California. Berkeley

Our Young Teachers Visit Abroad
Domestic Cooperation

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