Scientific Research

  • 发布时间:[2016-01-11] 来源:[学院] 点击量:[33883]
The Main Research Bases
       State Observatory for Atmospheric Remote Sensing: This Geophysics station is approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China .It is the only National Geophysical Field Station directly under the Ministry of  Education, and it has become an important atmospheric environmental monitoring research base, and developed into a lidar research and development center and related personnel training center, it is committing to the development of new lidar and other ground-based and space-based high-precision optical remote sensing equipment, providing reliable detection methods for the National Space Environment Support System.
     Geospace Environment and Geodesy Ministry of Education Key Open Laboratory: This laboratory is the first Ministry of Education Key laboratory meshing space physics and geodesy, and the only space physics and geodesy key discipline and “211 project” key construction program in our country.The laboratory is engaged in the study of theories and technologies in such fields: the upper atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere, Earth's gravity field, space geodesy, disturbance propagation in Sun-Earth system, space weather forecasting, remote sensing in the near-Earth space.
 Spatial Information Intellisense Engineering Technology Research Center, National Administration of Surveying,Mapping and Geoinformation (SIIETRC):
SIIETRC concerns the  basic  theories and key techniques that focus on spatial information capture technology and equipment. The main research areas include: photoelectric surveying and mapping instrument, spatial information detecting and transmitting, machine vision and image measuring, air-space-land observation sensor network, SAR image analyzing and processing .
    Hubei Engineering & Technology Research Center of Spectrum and Imaging Instruments:The center can provide a multidisciplinary integration platform for research and exchange in the fields of new instrument research, development, design and manufacturing. The major Research & Development orientation includes new spectral component development, IR detection,  ultrasound imaging, microscopic image analysis, image measurement and machine vision, in which the research of new spectral component development and IR detection techniques are in the international advanced level.
     Hubei Key Laboratory of Radar and Wireless Communication Technology : The laboratory consists of Radio Wave Propagation Laboratory, Laser Radar Laboratory, Signal Processing Laboratory, Wireless Communications Laboratory, Integrated Circuits Laboratory, Pattern Recognition Research, EDA and DSP Laboratory. The Research & Development capabilities and experimental conditions of our lab have achieved the domestic advanced level.
 Laboratories Thirteenth and XVI of Wuhan University Advanced Technology Research Institute:  They were mainly engaged in the aerospace products design, development, production and service work.
Chongyang MST Radar Station of Wuhan University under the National Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project: The MST(Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Tropsosphere ) radar of Wuhan University is located in the Chongyang County in Hubei Province, occupying an area of 43 acres.  It is under the co-construction of Wuhan University and “The Eleventh Five-Year Plan” major national science and technology infrastructure project - Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project. As one of the five key equipments constructed in the Project, Wuhan MST radar provides real-time atmospheric measurements to the Data Center of Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project for releases to the nation-wide 12 application divisions in 7 ministries and commissions, thus offering services of space environment monitoring and forecasting for meteorology, aerospace, and other applications.  
 Scientific Research Scale
Main Research Areas
 Radio Wave Propagation Theory and Engineering 
Radio Remote Sensing Technology
Computational Electromagnetics 
Modern Antenna Theory and Technology
Radar Signal Detection and Processing 
Radio-frequency Circuit
Middle and Upper Atmosphere Physics 
Laser Exploration Theory and Technology
Ionosphere and Magnetosphere Physics 
Solar-terrestrial Physics
Modern Circuit Design and Application 
DSP Application and Intelligent Control Technology
Embedded System and SoC Design
 Multimedia Information Processing and Communication 
Wireless Communication and Network
Modern Communication Theory and Technology 
Modern Digital Signal Processing
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
 Optical Remote Sensing and Laser Technology
 Laser Communication
Precision Optical Testing Technology
 Machine Vision and Image Measurement 
Multi-spectral Imaging and Analysis Instrument
Intelligent Instrument and Measurement & Control Networ
Part of the Achievements ( Past Decade)
  基本情况 / 年份
Basic Condition/Year
 2005 2006   2007 2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014 
 SCI Papers  14  30 36   41  33  41 41  63   64 81 
 EI Papers 20  29  41  54   50  61  69  96  95  110
 专利 Patent  16  36 16  31  25   49  35  56 65   69
 专著Monograph  4  6  5  5
 年份Year  获奖名称 Award Title
 获奖类别 Category
2005   网络化重点人口管理与笔迹自动识别检索软件系统
Software System of Automatic Handwriting Recognition Retrieval and Key Population Network Management
Ministry of Public Security Science and Technology  Award,3rd  Prize
2006  星载激光后向反射镜阵列的研制
Development of the Satellite-borne Laser Retroreflector Array 
Second Prize of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology Progress 
 2008 SOC系统芯片IP核研制
System-on-Chip IP Core Research and Development 
Hubei Science and Technology Progress Award, 2nd Prize 
 2010 高频地波雷达OSMAR071
HF Surface Wave Radar OSMAR071 
CSIC Science & Technology Award, 2nd Class 
 2012 低轨卫星激光角反射器设计理论及测试方法
The Design Theory and Testing Method for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Laser Retroreflector Array 
University Award for Technological Invention,  First Prize  
 2012  合成孔径雷达图像解译
Understanding Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Hubei Natural Science Award, 3rd Prize
 2012 面向WLAN的新一代智能网络评测系统
New Generation WLAN Performance Test and Evaluation System” 
Hubei Technological Invention Award,3rd  Prize
 2012 面向服务架构的新一代数字城市共享服务平台及其示范应用
A Service-oriented Architecture Spatial Information
Sharing Framework for New Generation Digital City 
The First Prize for Technology Progress of Surveying and Mapping
2012  六氟化硫在电力系统应用过程中关键技术研究
The Study on Key Technologies of the Application of Sulfur Hexafluoride in Power Systems 
The Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 
2012   台湾海峡及周边海域海洋环境立体实时监测系统
Real Time Ocean Environment Surveillance System of Taiwan Straight and Its Neibouring Area
China Oceanic Engineering Science & Technology Award, 1st Class
2012   数字泰州地理空间框架建设
Construction of Geospatial Framework of Digital TAIZHUO City Construction of Geospatial Framework of Digital City
The First Prize for Technology Progress of Surveying and Mapping of JIAGSU 
 2013 基于仿生嗅觉的SF6在线监测预警系统研究
The Study on Online Monitoring and Warning System of SF6 Decomposition Products Based on Bionic Olfactory Technology 
The Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 
 2014 基于高效压缩编码的智能多媒体信息处理及实时传输系统
Intelligent Multimedia Information Processing and Real-time Transmission System Based on Efficient Coding 
Hubei Science and Technology Progress Award, 3rd Prize
2014   基于物联网的公路安全监测及预警系统
Road Security Monitoring and Warning System Based on IOT
The Second Prize for Technology Progress  of Surveying and Mapping

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